DrainChecker Blog

Money Saving Tips For Saving Your Drains

Not every drain in your home and on your property are the same, so you’ll need to check some drains in your home more regularly than others. Bathroom and kitchen sinks, showers and baths are all drains which need to be checked over regularly to avoid you losing money down the drain. So how can we look after our drains cheaply, but look after them well enough that we can save money on our drains in the long run?

Well, here are some tips on how you can save money by looking after your drains either very cheaply, or for free!


Use Hot Water

Hot water can loosen up some of the toughest clogs, so once a week pour a boiling kettle or two of water down your drains to help break up any sediment and give it a proper flush – this will stop build up and blockages, saving you money on repairs.


Don’t pour fats and oils – bin them

Many people pour hot cooking grease, oils, and fats down the kitchen sink but when it cools it solidifies and goes back to a more solid state, sticking to your drain and insides of your pipe. If this is ongoing, eventually your pipes will become clogged with all this fat and grease waste. So instead, pour the fat into a container, let it harden then put in the bin – this will stop build up and blockages, saving you money on repairs.


Be aware of hair

Hair can get everywhere but it’s not good for your drains and pipes. Many of us flush discarded hair from hairbrushes down the toilet, don’t catch hair in our bath or shower drains, and are guilty of letting hair go down the plug hole. One good tip is to brush your hair before washing as this will help to get rid of loose hairs before ending up in your bath or shower. Also, if you have pets, wash them outside and not in your bath. Pets can shed even more hair than humans, so don’t let this cause an issue and wash them outside and using a drain cover to catch excess hairs – both tips will stop build up and blockages, saving you money on repairs.


Make a homemade drain cleaning solution

We’ve spoken about this before, but you can’t beat vinegar and baking soda. Put one cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar down your drain, wait 5 minutes then pour down a kettle full of boiling water. Keep doing this once a week – this will stop build up and blockages, saving you money on repairs.

If you hadn’t guessed it yet, all the above tips will stop build up and blockages, saving you money on repairs! Make them part of your cleaning routine and you can reduce the risk of a blocked drain, saving you money.


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