DrainChecker Blog

What is – and what isn’t – covered by accidental damage?

If you have an issue with your drains or sewers, give us a call at Happy Drains. We’ll let you know if we think a CCTV survey may be required. And if that shows up any damage, it may be covered under “accidental damage” on your household insurance.

Most buildings insurance will cover the underground pipes on your property, if you have legal responsibility for them. The water company would be responsible for the drains and sewers that lie outside your property or ones that connect to a neighbours drain.

Typical problems likely to be covered under accidental damage include cracking and fractures to drains, soakaways, septic tanks and cesspits, caused by ground movement, tree roots, or vehicles – like a large van on your drive. Toilets and drains inside the house may also be covered if there’s been movement that has affected the structure.

If blockages have been caused by something out of your control, then you’re more likely to be covered under accidental damage. But if there are issues caused by poor maintenance or improper use, they might not be covered. For example, damage caused by flushing unsuitable items like nappies or wet wipes down the toilet, or grease and food scraps down the kitchen sink; problems caused by rats and other vermin, and damage that’s deemed to be caused by general age-related wear and tear.


Other issues, such as problems with pitch fibre pipes which are prone to blistering and buckling, are notoriously tricky so it’s worth checking your insurance policy carefully. And remember that prevention is better than cure, so do what you can to maintain your drains yourself. We can also help at Happy Drains, as we work on many insurance cases, so give us a call!


