DrainChecker Blog

How to Prevent a Rat Infestation

Eliminating rats from your property can be a costly and unpleasant task and, if you are a business, your reputation could even be on the line. Instead of waiting until you need vermin control, we think it’s better to do everything you can to prevent a rat infestation instead.

What Attracts Rats?

In order to prevent rats from entering your home or business, we need to identify what attracts them in the first place. Although rats only need 15-60 ml of water a day, they will search for an easy, ready source. They will also search for a varied supply of food, and ample shelter. So, when rat-proofing your property, you will need to cut off access to these three things.

Rat Prevention Outside

Whether you’re protecting a home or a business, there are plenty of things you can do outside to discourage and prevent rats from entering your building. Rats love to crawl into small spaces and hide, so the first thing you will need to do is get rid of debris around the outside of the building or in the garden. Piles of stuff stored in sheds are a rat’s idea of heaven, so make sure you whittle down the clutter and give the rats as few places to hide as possible.

You should ensure that pet food, if stored outside, is kept in airtight containers that cannot be chewed through. Likewise, your compost heap should be kept free of organic food waste, which could provide a convenient supply of food for rats.

Rat Prevention Inside

If you are trying to prevent a rat infestation in your home, do not leave any food within their reach. Just like the pet food outside, all dried foodstuffs should be kept in jars, tins or plastic containers, and floors swept regularly to get rid of any lurking crumbs.

When you take out the rubbish, throw it straight into the wheelie bin or put it in a metal bin with a secure lid.

Rat proofing a building

In order to rat-proof your home or business, you should fill in any small external holes; even if it’s not big enough for a rat to fit through, they will chew a bigger hole! The most likely places are under doorways, gaps around pipe work or cables, and through roof damage. By filling in these gaps, you will stop the rats from finding a way in through your building.

Unfortunately, rats don’t care how they enter a building, even if it’s through the toilet! When it comes to rat proofing your property, don’t forget about your drains and sewer pipes. Any damage in pipe work should be fixed by a professional (give us a call!), and all drains should be covered with metal screens or gates.

If you have seen signs of a rat or even spotted one of the furry beasts themselves, it’s best to get on the phone to vermin control as soon as possible.

