DrainChecker Blog

How to Diagnose and Fix Blocked Drains

Blocked drains can be a massive inconvenience, but you might not realise your pipes are clogged until it’s too late. However, there are a few warning signs that you can look out for. We’re going to inform you on what these signs are, so you know when to contact us for assistance.

Is the sink or bath draining slowly?

If you find that the water in the toilet, sink or bath is draining slowly, rising higher, or dropping lower than normal, there are probably issues further down the draining system. In such an instance, try using a plunger to release the trapped air, or create a makeshift hook from a wire coat hanger to help lever out any trapped hair or soap that’s down there. Read up how to do so from one of our previous posts. Slow drainage is the most evident and well recognised sign of a blocked pipe but it is not the only sign, below are a few more for you to consider.

Can you hear gurgling?

If you can hear the sound of gurgling coming from the toilet, sink, bath or shower, this should not be ignored. It’s most likely a result of the water you’ve just used, displacing trapped air in the pipes. Ordinarily, you might brush it off as nothing, but in the future you’ll recognise there’s an issues in the drainage system.

Is there a bad smell coming from the drains?

Bad odours could be caused by trapped gas leaking from the bath or shower drain. Alternatively, a blocked or faulty drains could be leaking onto other floors within the property. Be sure to check the flooring or ceiling near the drain pipes so you can detect any leaks or catch one before it starts. Pouring bleach down the drain could help remove some bacteria which is contributing to the smell, but without a professional examining the drain, it will be difficult to tell whether this is all that’s needed.

With all this information about drain blockages, you now know what to look out for in the future. However, if you are unsure, a CCTV drain survey would be ideal for diagnosing a drains problem or surveying their overall condition.

If any issues have already occurred on your premises, be sure to call our free landline on 0800 849 8099 or fill out an enquiry form. We’re more than happy to help.

