DrainChecker Blog

Drain Maintenance Tips for when Snow Falls

The British weather can wreak havoc on our home draining systems, potentially causing them to freeze, block or burst. When it snows, the temperatures plummet to below freezing, meaning problems are more prone to happen to our pipes and drains. By ensuring you follow these tips, your drains and pipes will be kept in tip top condition throughout the entirety of winter and beyond.


Stop your pipes from freezing at the first hurdle by insulating them in the correct way. There are many materials available now with fantastic thermal capabilities, which in turn can help to protect the pipework in colder places where heating may not reach, like lofts or basements. It’s a cheap way to ensure water is flowing through your pipes as they should be throughout the colder months, and which in turn could save you a lot of money!


You can also help to prevent your pipes from freezing throughout the colder months by leaving your heating on a low temperature at all times. Throughout the winter nights, temperatures are at their lowest. Often, heating may be turned off during these times as people are tucked up in bed, though we’d advise keeping the heating on low in order to allow the water to flow continually throughout the piping system and not freeze.


Blockages can cause issues within your pipes and drains throughout the year, but can worsen during the colder months. The cold and often snowy weather can mean any traces of grease, fat and oil found within your drains will harden and freeze instantly. You can help to deter this by pouring hot, boiling water down your drains regularly in order to help remove any potential blockages.


If the water within your pipes has already frozen, defrosting them is a great way to ensure the pipes can return back to working order. Many people choose to turn their central heating on in order to defrost their pipes, though we would advise against this as the sudden surge of heat can cause the pipes to expand and crack. Instead, use towels soaked in warm water to apply to the pipes. Though it may be the longer route, it is definitely the safer option and can mean no costly repairs in the future!

If you think you are experiencing issues with your pipes or drains during the colder weather and are unsure of what to do, turn off the water supply to avoid pipes bursting. Then, contact a professional who will be able to help you further. By ensuring you keep an eye on your drains and pipes throughout the winter months and by following these tips, it is likely you will experience no issues. 

Have you found yourself in a tricky situation with your drains this winter? We can help you. To find out more information, get in touch with a member of our friendly team by visiting our contact page or by giving us a call on 0800 849 8099.


